
Many hospitals, clinics, and government agencies look for INTEROCEAN.

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  • Korea Aerospace Research Institute

    • Constructed a ground-based test module for a life support air management system simulating subsea platform environments
    • This project, 'Development of Ground Test Module for Simulated Life-Support Air Management System for Subsea space Platform', provides a simulated environment for testing and veryfying environmental control and life-support systems.
  • Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology

    • The diving chamber of the subsea space platform test bed, part of the project 'Subsea space creation and utilization technology' being conducted by the Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology.
  • Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology

    • The 'Shallow-water Manned Submersible System' is an efficient underwater transportation solution designed to contribute to the development of and expansion of marine territories and to support responses to maritime incidents. The system includes the submersible vehicle itself, along with land-based and shipboard equipment to ensure its smooth operation.
    • For 3 passengers, Able to move by itself underwater at a maximum depth of 300 meters
  • Korea Institute of Sport Science

    • Sports Positive-Negative pressure Chamber
    • An all-in-one chamber that applies optimized biometric signs monitoring system, UI/UX & ergonomic design, and multiple pressures (negative/atmospheric/positive)
  • Korea Bobsleigh Skeleton Federation

    • Sports Positive-Negative pressure Chamber
    • Address: 470, Solbong-ro, Daegwallyeong-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea